Aim: Uremia is often associated with a large array of thoracic complications. Radiological examinations have great importance in diagnosis of thoracic diseases. The main focus of this retrospective study was to document the multidedector computed tomography (MDCT) findings involving thoracic complications in hemodialysis patients. Method: Twenty-nine hemodialysis patients who had one or more of the following complaints; dyspnea, cough, malaise, weight loss, fever were included undergone MDCT in this study. Result: The MDCT and chest x-ray findings in our patients were as follows; cardiomegaly (13 vs. 12), ground-glass opacity (10 vs 0), pleural effusion (10 vs 9), parenchymal infiltration (9 vs. 2), scarring-fibrosis (9 vs. 3), pleural thickening (6 vs. 3), mediastinal and/or hilar lymphadenopathy (6 vs 0),’tree in bud’ appearance (5 vs. 0) atelectasis (4 vs. 0) , and emphysema (1 vs. 0) respectively . Conclusion: Our findings suggest that MDCT revealed many pathologic findings that chest x-ray could not detect.
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Article Type: Original Article
EUR J GEN MED, Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2011, 13-17
Publication date: 11 Jan 2011
Article Views: 1290
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