Speech perception and parameters of speech audiometry after hearing aid: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Rimma Suatbayeva 1 * , Dinara Toguzbayeva 2 , Saule Taukeleva 2 , Zhanetta Mukanova 1 , Magzhan Sadykov 2
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1 Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN2 Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Kazakh-Russian Medical University, Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN* Corresponding Author


Background: One of the greatest difficulties of the hearing impaired is understanding speech, especially in the presence of competitive noise. Speech perception issues are a common difficulty for those who have hearing loss. Poor speech perception is the most frequent cause of seeking hearing treatment. The most extensively used treatment to enhance speech perception is hearing aids or other assistive devices.
Aim: To evaluate the effect of hearing aid methods on the speech perception of patients with hearing loss.
Methods: We conducted our study based on PRISMA recommendations and guidelines. We searched Cochrane, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science for relevant clinical trials and prospective observational studies. Clinical trials were assessed according to Cochrane’s risk of bias tool, while observational studies were evaluated according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. We involved the following outcomes: speech recognition thresholds, word recognition score (WRS) in noise, and WRS in quiet.
Results: Six studies met the eligibility criteria for our meta-analysis. We found that hearing aids can cause an increase in WRS in noise (mean difference [MD]=18.32 [3.08, 33.55], p=0.02) and WRS in quiet (MD=45.13 [7.79, 82.46], p=0.02). In addition, hearing aids lead to a decrease in speech recognition thresholds (MD=45.13 [7.79, 82.46], p=0.02).
Conclusions: Hearing aids are an effective treatment for patients with hearing loss. They can significantly improve speech perception (WRS) in quiet and noisy environments and provide other benefits, such as improved communication, increased safety, and better cognitive function. If you or someone you know has hearing loss, it is essential to speak with a healthcare professional about the benefits of using hearing aids.


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Article Type: Review Article

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 21, Issue 1, February 2024, Article No: em563


Publication date: 01 Jan 2024

Online publication date: 19 Dec 2023

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