Possibilities of antianginal therapy in improvement of quality of life of patients with stable angina of effort
Valeria L. Zakharova 1 * , Nadezhda N. Kozlova 1, Zhanna M. Sizova 1, Alexandra V. Beloborodova 1
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1 Medical and social assessment, urgent and ambulatory care. First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, Moscow, Russia* Corresponding Author


High prevalence of ischemic heart disease (IHD) is currently both of medical and social concern, thus requiring treatment with drugs capable of influencing not only the prognosis of the disease but also quality of life of patients. This study was undertaken to investigate the possibilities of antianginal therapy with nicorandil and isosorbide dinitrate in order to improve quality of life of patients with stable angina pectoris.

The authors carried out a comprehensive examination of a total of eighty-four 44-to-76-year-old patients suffering from IHD with functional class 2-3 stable angina of effort and followed up in ambulatory settings. The patients were randomized into two groups of treatment to receive either nicorandil or isosorbide dinitrate as antianginal agents added to basic therapy. The groups of patients did not significantly differ by anamnestic and demographic characteristics. The duration of follow up amounted to 24 months. We determined the physical and mental components of health-related quality of life and their dynamics on the background of antianginal therapy with nicorandil and isosorbide dinitrate. The parameters of quality of life were evaluated by the findings of two screening tools: the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) and Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ).

The findings obtained within the timeframe of the study demonstrated that patients suffering from FC 2-3 stable angina of effort and taking standard therapy with beta-adrenoblokers, calcium antagonists, and antiplatelet drugs were found to have a decrease in their quality of life. The lowest scores were observed by the scales reflecting the psychological component of health, whereas the scores of physical limitation, angina stability, and angina frequency were considerably better. After 24 weeks of treatment with nicorandil and isosorbide dinitrate, the patients of both groups were found to have significantly improved scores for quality of life assessed by the SAQ on all scales. Initially high scores by the GHQ characterizing the patient’s psychological discomfort were revealed in both groups of patients, with no statistically significant differences between the groups. The highest score was revealed by the scales of somatic symptoms and social dysfunction in both the nicorandil group (11.8 and 13.2 points, respectively) and isosorbide dinitrate group (12.1 and 13.5 points, respectively). The mentioned alterations underline the significance of such disease as IHD in adaptation of the patient to the social environment. Angina attacks, physical limitations lead to deterioration of the emotional state and interfere with daily activity. High scores by the scales of anxiety and depression suggested a low level of mental health of IHD patients with stable angina pectoris. After 24 months of treatment, manifestations of anxiety and depression in patients of both groups significantly decreased (with the results comparable in both groups), with clear advantage in the nicorandil group.

Nicorandil turned out to be superior to isosorbide dinitrate in improvement of physical and psychological components of quality of life of patients with stable angina of effort.


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Article Type: Original Article

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 15, Issue 4, August 2018, Article No: em43


Publication date: 20 Mar 2018

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