located in the lateral side of the orbita, and may also rarely be observed in the intraorbital region. In this cases, aggressive treatment is necessary for the success because recurrence rate is high. But it should work delicately because of the risk of the eye damage. We report three cases with intraorbital dermoid cysts who were successfuly treated by using a minimally invasive surgery. Eye movements and visual functions were normal in all patients. No recurrences or complications appeared postoperatively. We think that it is possible to excise dermoid cysts totally using a classical surgical technique, including an anterior approach, by careful dissection under loupe magnification.
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Article Type: Case Report
EUR J GEN MED, Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2007, 87-90
Publication date: 15 Apr 2007
Article Views: 1460
Article Downloads: 1815
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