Even with 1% of the incidence, laryngeal neuroendocrine tumors are the second common tumors in larynx; as a subtype, typical carcinoid tumors are extremely rare. We presented a case of laryngeal typical carcinoid tumor and we discussed diagnostic criteria and treatment of these tumors. A 57-year-old male with a 3 months history of hoarseness was examined endoscopically and a laryngeal mass on left supraglottic area was seen. High levels of serum calcitonin were detected. The histopathological analysis of biopsy material was typical carcinoid tumor. Laryngeal tumor resection and left neck dissection were performed. The histopathologic result was TTF 1 and calcitonin positive primer laryngeal typical carcinoid tumor with cervical lymphoid metastasis. Serum calcitonin level returned to normal levels postoperatively. The distinction between laryngeal carcinoid tumors and metastasis of thyroid medullary carcinoma are difficult histopathologically. So, laryngeal carcinoid tumors should be kept in mind in these circumstances.
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Article Type: Case Report
EUR J GEN MED, Volume 13, Issue 3, July 2016, 77-80
Publication date: 06 Aug 2016
Article Views: 1587
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