Effects of blended aromatherapy using lavender and damask rose oils on the hemodynamic status of nursing students
Narges Hashemi 1, Aref Faghih 2 *
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1 Student Research Committee, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran2 Department of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran* Corresponding Author


Background and Objective:
Anxiety is inter alia the disorders experienced by the entire social-economical classes worldwide and it is known to lead to the increase in heartbeat rate, blood pressure, cardiac output as well as higher oxygen consumption and elevation of respiration rate. Thus, the present study aims at investigating the effect of blended aromatherapy using lavender and damask rose oils on the hemodynamic status of the nursing students.

Materials and Methods:
The present clinical trial was conducted on 70 nursing students who were selected based on a simple sampling method and randomly assigned to two test and sham groups. For the test group, seven droplets of lavender essence, 10%, and three droplets of damask rose, 10%, were poured on a nonabsorbent pad which was placed in a 20-cm distance from the students’ noses on the chair handle; for the sham group 10 droplets of sesame oil was spilled on a nonabsorbent pad which was placed within a 20-cm distance from the students’ noses on their chairs’ handles. The data were collected by taking advantage of demographic information questionnaire and sphygmomanometer and chronometer and were analyzed in SPSS software, ver. 20, by the use of descriptive and inferential statistics.

The results of the data analysis indicated that the vital signs’ mean score was significantly decreased 15 minutes after the intervention onset and at the end of the test as compared to the mean score of the vital signs before the initiation of the test (P<0.05). There was not found any significant difference in the sham group between the vital signs’ mean score 15 minutes since the intervention initialization and at the end of test with the vital signs’ mean score of the pre-intervention phase (P>0.05).

Aromatherapy via blending the essences of lavender and damask rose is effective on the hemodynamic signs of the nursing students. Therefore, it can be applied as a nondrug and less expensive method having no side effects for mitigating exam anxiety.


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Article Type: Original Article

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 15, Issue 4, August 2018, Article No: em40


Publication date: 16 Mar 2018

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