Substance abuse is a chronic phenomenon that affects many physical, psychological, social, familial and economic elements.
This study was conducted in order to investigate the effectiveness of gratitude on individual’s well-being as well as the quality of life (QoL) of hospitalized substance abuse patients.
The current study was clinical trial study. The research was conducted on 64 addicted patient which had been referred to the addiction rehabilitation center (Modarres hospital) of Isfahan city, that divided to two groups that each one included 32 patients.GQ-6, WHOQOL, and WHO-6 questionnaires used for estimate of gratitude, QoL, and well-being scores respectively. The SPSS 16 software was used for analyzing the collected data.
There is a relationship between gratitude, well-being, and QoL after the intervention in two groups of the study while there is no any significant difference between these variables before the intervention. Also, there were significant correlation between the gratitude, QoL, and well-being pre and post follow up of patients.
It seems that gratitude improves and increased of QoL and psychological well-being during addiction treatment program.
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Article Type: Original Article
ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 16, Issue 2, April 2019, Article No: em128
Publication date: 22 Apr 2019
Online publication date: 08 Aug 2018
Article Views: 3356
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