Effect of central dialysis fluid delivery system using high flux dialyzer versus regular water treatment stations on endotoxemia and inflammatory markers among prevalent patients on regular hemodialysis
Ahmed Mohamed Tawfik 1 , Howaida Abd Elhamid Elshinnawy 1 , Hesham Mohamed ElSayed 1 , Heba Wahid El Said 1 , Hoda Mohamed Hammoda 1 * , Marwa Shaban Abd El Samea 1
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1 Department of Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, EGYPT* Corresponding Author


Purpose: In this study, we compared the effects of a single patient dialysis fluid delivery system (SPDDS) against a central dialysis fluid delivery system (CDDS) on inflammatory markers and endotoxemia in a population of patients receiving routine hemodialysis (HD).
Materials & methods: 80 prevalent HD patients, aged from 18 to 60 years old, who were clinically stable and receiving thrice weekly dialysis treatments via an arteriovenous fistula were the subjects of a cross-sectional research. group I underwent HD using a CDDS water purification system that was implemented at El Demerdash Hospital two years prior, and group II underwent HD using an SPDDS water purification system at Ain Shams Specialized Hospital.
Results: Pre-dialysis endotoxin levels were significantly lower in the CDDS group (0.07±0.05) compared to the SPDDS group (0.20±0.07), p-value<0.001, post-dialysis serum endotoxin levels were significantly lower in CDDS group (0.04±0.02) compared to SDDPS (0.15±0.03), p-value<0.001.
Conclusions: CDDS group’s circulating endotoxins had significantly decreased.


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Article Type: Original Article

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 21, Issue 3, June 2024, Article No: em591


Publication date: 30 May 2024

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