Differentiation of time characteristics in subjects with depressive states
Iryna Savenkova 1 * , Mykola Didukh 1, Natalia Ruda 1, Nihora Khazratova 2
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1 Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv National University, Nikolaev, Ukraine2 National University “Lviv Politechnik”, Ukraine* Corresponding Author


To distinguish peculiarities of the subjective time perception in subjects with depressive states.

A chronometric sample method using an electronic chronoscope; methods of mathematical statistics: descriptive statistics, methods for determining the mean arithmetic deviation and use, if present, of correlation relations between the value of the individual’s subjective time unit and the manifestation level of depressive states; Hamilton scale, Beck questionnaire.

It has been experimentally proved that the forms of depressive states manifestation are consistent with the value of the individual’s subjective time unit in the continuous spectrum of τ-types.

A valid difference between quantitative indicators proliferation of various ”masks” in certain types of somatic pathology wasn’t defined, however, certain trends were observed. Thus, all the main forms of ”masks” were present more often in subjects with the cardiovascular system diseases. Algae are approximately equally common in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous and cardiovascular systems. “Psychopathological masks” of depression were somewhat more often associated with diseases of the digestive system. Thus, the system of assistance to therapeutic patients with depressive disorders should be based on the principles of a comprehensive approach that integrates various areas of medical and socio-psychological knowledge and practices.


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Article Type: Original Article

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 16, Issue 3, June 2019, Article No: em141


Publication date: 16 May 2019

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