Breast cancer metastasis from Gastric Carcinoma in a young female
Sara Jamil Nidhamalddin 1 * , Hemin Abdulwahab Hassan 2, Kalthum Ali 3, Khalid Anwar Hama Ghareeb 4, Mohammed Ibrahim Mohialdeen Gubari 5
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1 Medical Oncologist, Department of Medical Oncology, Hiwa Cancer Hospital, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq2 Histopathologist, Department of Pathology Lab, Hiwa Cancer Hospital, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq3 Radiologist, Department of Radiology, Hiwa Cancer Hospital, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq4 MSPH, BPH, Research Department, General Directorate of Health, Sulaimani, Iraq5 PhD, MSC, HDCM, BPH, & DCM, Department of family & Community Medicine, Collage of Medicine, University of Sulaimani. Sulaimani, Iraq* Corresponding Author


Gastric cancer is a disease of elderly patients and mainly metastasis to liver, lung, and peritoneum, while signet ring cell is a variant of gastric cancer and commonly metastasis to peritoneum and lymph nodes. Metastasis to mammary is a rare condition which account for 3% and has poor prognosis. Generally extra mammary carcinoma precedes breast metastasis by 2 years. It’s uncommon to have breast metastasis as a first manifestation of extra mammary malignancies. There is no age limit and presentation my mimic primary breast cancer. Due to rarity of this condition there are no consensuses about clinical, radiological and histological features which make it a challenging task to distinguish primary from metastatic breast neoplasm. The case bellow is a young woman with diagnoses of diffuse-signet ring cell gastric cancer. First presentation was right breast edema with ascites, peritoneal nodules, and enlarged enhancing ovaries on imaging. Biopsy from each site confirmed involvement by metastatic adenocarcinoma with signet ring pattern. Her condition progressed after 5th cycle of EOX.


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Article Type: Case Report

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 16, Issue 6, December 2019, Article No: em181

Publication date: 26 Dec 2019

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