Artificial intelligence and improvement of stem cell delivery in healthcare
Tungki Pratama Umar 1 *
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1 Medical Profession Program, Faculty of Medicine, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, INDONESIA* Corresponding Author


Artificial intelligence (AI) is critical for improving the quality of stem cell manufacturing and delivery. AI can assist in determining the viability, effectiveness, efficacy, and safety of stem cells. Furthermore, in stem cell and regenerative medicine, AI is utilized to streamline simulation and model-building processes and find connections between cellular activities and their microenvironments. However, thoughtful consideration is required to minimize unwanted implications of AI incorporation for stem cell-based treatment.


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Article Type: Short Communication

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 20, Issue 5, October 2023, Article No: em516

Publication date: 01 Sep 2023

Online publication date: 10 Jun 2023

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